The Mad Political Scientist's Homepage

More powerful than an op-ed page. Faster than a dose ofSalts. Thinner Than Rush Limbaugh!(Well,ok, Just barely.)
If you haven't checked out my Links and Webrings page yet, Click Here. You'll find more than 1400 humor, political and conspiracy sites.
(OK, some of the Webring links are dead, but that's still a lot of places to go!)

Yes, it's the Mad Political Scientist. Strange visitor from another worldview with relatively average powers and Abilities that he sometimes mangages to make good use of. And who, disguised as Steve Whalen--mild mannered campaign consultant and tarot reader--fights a never ending battle against the forces of Oppression, ignorance, species suicide and just plain bad manners.
The bad news is he's nuts. The really bad news is he makes more sense than the politicians. Watch this space for fundraising and networking tips as well as politically incorrect, but thought provoking editorials.

Voice of the Rabid Center Since Y2K. This site is a mirror of a site at Fortunecity ( which has a slightly better appearance, but much worse availability. Write the URL down anyway in the event you can't reach me here.

My interests: A political\ethical worldview that marches to the beat not just a different drummer but an entire syncopated percussion section.
Basically I'm here to cut my food budget by making hamburgers out of Sacred Cows. I am the kind of guy who fights for Women's Rights while advising rabid Feminists not to worry their pretty little heads about it. The kind of guy who can be an environmentalist and a smoker.
There is no bondage worse than the chains of a restrictive Worldview. There is no greater barrier to Greatness than a commitment to pettyness. There is no stronger defense against the temptation to abuse power than the perspective that comes with a good sense of humor. It is my hope that together we can use this page to open each other's minds. The button below leads to the Madpol's Forum. This is an area where sensitive issues are discussed by insensitive people.
Entering the Forum signifies a legally binding agreement to the following:
1.I understand that the Mad Political Scientist's Forum is a center for unrestricted Public Debate. I further Understand that if I spend sufficient time in this Forum I will eventually Encounter something which I deem offensive--REGARDLESS OF WHAT I HAD BELIEVED MY STANDARDS TO BE.
2. I do not enter this Forum for the purpose of Violating, Abridging or otherwise interfering with the 1st Ammendment rights of Free Speech of my host or Fellow Guests.
3. I shall not attempt by any means,Legal,Administrative,Technological,Paranormal or Otherwise to Violate, Abridge, or Interfere with the 1st Ammendment Free Speech Rights of my Host or Fellow Guests. Should I encounter something which I deem offensive, I shall deal with it in a Mature and Responsible Manner, or leave the site never to return.
4. I fully understand that any violation of this agreement renders me liable to Penalties which may include--but not be limited to:Civil and Criminal Prosecution, The Invocation of Powerful Curses in Several Religious and Magickal Traditions,The Publication of my Name Throughout the Internet as a Person Forsworn and an Enemy of the Republic and the Receipt of Sufficient Spam in my Inbox to Feed the entire Population of Bangladesh for a Full Year.
My first forum filled up so quickly that posts and even entire discussions were being lost before we were finished with them. So, I've added two new forums,one devoted exclusively to Politics, the other dealing with the issues featured in the polls appearing on this page. Social Commentary and General Ranting will remain in the first forum.
Cabbages,Kings, Etc. Da Political Animal

Poll Discussions

All Things Religious And Spiritual